Subscription Model

Digital Innovation

Pioneers in Flexibility and Digital Innovation

→ At FlexWise Tech, our name encapsulates our ethos – the wisdom to comprehend the ever-changing landscape of modern requirements and the flexibility to provide cutting-edge solutions. In a world that evolves continuously, we believe in offering solutions that seamlessly adapt to the dynamic needs of the digital era.

→We also understand that decisions made in the boardroom and market shifts can profoundly impact the trajectory of a project. Our Subscription Model is designed to empower you with unparalleled flexibility, especially when faced with the possibility of project retargeting or cancellations due to boardroom decisions or market changes or other factors.

FlexWise Subscription Model

FlexWise Subscription Model

Your Project

The distinctive, bespoke, or more conventional initiative for which you seek expert assistance in delivery

Our Model

The Flexwise Subscription Model


You Review, Control and Decide the Direction


Change of Scope, Requirements, Resources or Timelines


Discontinue our Partnership. Cancel anytime with immediate effect.


Shape your Project and receive your Deliverables.

Get In Touch With Us

Unleashing Ultimate Flexibility

Subscription Model: Unleashing Ultimate Flexibility

→ In a landscape where 66% of technology projects face challenges, our Subscription Model stands out as a beacon of flexibility and adaptability.

→ According to the Standish Group’s CHAOS 2020 report, 31% of IT projects were cancelled outright and the performance of 53% ‘was so worrying that they were challenged or had a change of direction’.

→ Traditional models, such as the Dedicated Team and Fixed Price models, often contribute to these challenges. We recognize that adaptability is the cornerstone of success in the digital age.

❌ Dedicated Team Model or Time & Materials: Control, Yet Uncertain and Demanding

→ Under the Dedicated Team Model, you hire resources for your project. However, the drawbacks include the considerable time and management involvement required from your end.

→ As the hirer, assuming roles like IT Director, Transformation Director, or Product Manager, you bear the responsibility and management of the project.

→ Additionally, hiring resources on extended contractual terms can lead to high costs. Similarly a Time & Materials contract comes with an uncertain Budget and Timelines.

❌ Fixed Price Model: A Fixed Path with Limitations

→ With the Fixed Price Model, the development agency takes ownership of the project, accompanied by significant upfront costs. However, the lack of flexibility in altering project requirements and exhaustive planning can become hindrances.

→ In a world marked by constant change, this rigid approach often falls short of meeting evolving project needs.

✅ FlexWise Subscription Model: A Symphony of Flexibility and Ownership

→ Enter our Subscription Model – a paradigm shift in project engagement. We tailor a monthly quote based on project size, scope, requirements, integrations, and timelines.

→ Our model allows clients the flexibility to adapt project requirements as decisions evolve, avoiding the rigidity imposed by traditional models.

Key Advantages

Key Advantages of FlexWise Subscription Model:

Have A Question In your Mind

Flexibility at its Core

Adapt your project requirements in real-time, aligned with your evolving needs.

Responsibility and Ownership
Cancel Anytime Agility
Predictable Budgeting & Financial Prudence
No Long-Term Commitments
Model Comparison

Model Comparison

Flexwise Model Fixed Model Dedicated Team or
Time & Material
Resource Allocation
Timelines Flexibility

Requirements Flexibility

Scope Flexibility       

Management Time & Effort

Cost Management    

Budget Flexibility

Transformative Partnership

At FlexWise Tech, we don't just provide solutions; we offer a transformative partnership that adapts to the rhythm of your business.

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